Our Molly Grace

Our Molly Grace

Friday, September 21, 2007

Waiting on our TA

We are waiting on our TA now. We have sent for our Visas and are kind of preparing for travel. As much as we can now. We are getting more and more excited that we are so much closer to meeting our precious Molly. Yeah!!!!! We will try and keep posting updates. I am still trying to figure out "blogging".


The Princess's Mommy said...

Whoo-Hoo! Not much longer now! Keep practicing on your blog. Everything was in Chinese while we were there, so you have to know where all the buttons are! Keep us posted and let us know if we can help you get ready! Love, Monica

To China for Molly said...

Thank you so much. Is there anything special to know or to take? talk to ya later. Emily

Russ and Lisa W. said...

Oh How exciting!!! We hope you can make it to the Moon Fest!!

Love, Lisa